So Many Different Suns
A painting of mine called ‘Valley Sunday’ featured in the hard back coffee table book: ‘So Many Different Suns – Contemporary Artists from Wales’ by Luciano Benetton Mundi Imago. My copy arrived today.
The artistic portrait of Wales, a land of fascinating contrasts, an Eden of vast horizons but also relics and historical memories of painful struggles, heroic deeds, tragedies and myths. Nature, at times peaceful, at times stormy, archaic and mythical, – rugged mountains, gentle slopes, tranquil countryside, animals and plants, red and green fields, yellow flowers, stones, clouds and waves – is a major source of inspiration in the 140 works that illustrate the region with a myriad of colours and a well-justified pride.
So Many Different Suns. Contemporary Artists from Wales is an Imago Mundi collection, a cultural, democratic, global, non-profit project, promoted by Luciano Benetton with the aim of creating the widest possible mapping of the different contemporary artistic experiences of our world. In Imago Mundi, each country is represented by the works of established artists and new talents, commissioned with the maximum freedom of expression, whose only constraint is the 10×12 cm format.
Mae peintiad o fwynglawdd o’r enw ‘Valley Sunday’ yn y llyfr bwrdd coffi caled: ‘So Many Different Suns – Artistiaid Cyfoes o Gymru’ gan Luciano Benetton Mundi Imago. Cyrhaeddodd fy nghopi heddiw.
Portread artistig o Gymru, tir o wrthgyferbyniadau diddorol, Eden o ordeiniau helaeth ond hefyd adfeilion ac atgofion hanesyddol o frwydrau poenus, gweithredoedd arwrol, tragedïau a mythau. Natur, ar adegau heddychlon, ar adegau yn stormog, yn gynhenid a chwedlonol – mae mynyddoedd garw, llethrau ysgafn, cefn gwlad, anifeiliaid a phlanhigion tawel, caeau coch a gwyrdd, blodau melyn, cerrig, cymylau a thonnau – yn ffynhonnell fawr o ysbrydoliaeth yn y Mae 140 o waith sy’n dangos y rhanbarth gyda llawer o liwiau a balchder sydd wedi’i gyfiawnhau’n dda.
Felly, llawer o wahanol haul. Mae Artistiaid Cyfoes o Gymru yn gasgliad Imago Mundi, prosiect diwylliannol, democrataidd, byd-eang, di-elw, a hyrwyddir gan Luciano Benetton gyda’r nod o greu mapio ehangaf posibl gwahanol brofiadau artistig cyfoes ein byd. Yn Imago Mundi, mae pob gwlad yn cael ei gynrychioli gan waith artistiaid sefydledig a thalentau newydd, a gomisiynir gyda’r rhyddid mynegiant mwyaf, y mae ei unig gyfyngiad yn y fformat 10 × 12 cm.