An impression by the talents of Welsh Artist Christopher Langley of the Tredegar town clock, which stands in the middle of the ‘Tredegar Circle’, At seventy-two feet high, it is the focal point of the town, where residents are very proud of this 19th century icon.
The foundation is of masonry, on which is surmounted the cast-iron base which has four arms from each corner to a distance of sixty feet at a depth of five feet and six inches (152 mm) below ground level. The pillar is wholly composed of cast-iron, upon a square pediment which in turn, receives a rectangular plinth, and upon this stands a cylindrical column of smooth surface and symmetrical diameter, ornamented with suitable coping on which rests the clock surrounded with a weather vane.
In my painting I have taken time to detail the weather vain and the clock face. To get the perspective as accurate as possible. A couple walking past offering a sense of scale and a focal point.